segunda-feira, maio 24, 2004
Susan Sontag escreveu uma interessante reflexão sobre as imagens da tortura no Iraque publicada no New York Times de sábado, O artigo, Regarding the Toture of Others, insere-se num título mais geral Todos somos fotágrafos. A ensaísta lembra que “A digital camera is a common possession among soldiers. Where once photographing war was the province of photojournalists, now the soldiers themselves are all photographers -- recording their war, their fun, their observations of what they find picturesque, their atrocities -- and swapping images among themselves and e-mailing them around the globe.”
Susan Sontag escreveu uma interessante reflexão sobre as imagens da tortura no Iraque publicada no New York Times de sábado, O artigo, Regarding the Toture of Others, insere-se num título mais geral Todos somos fotágrafos. A ensaísta lembra que “A digital camera is a common possession among soldiers. Where once photographing war was the province of photojournalists, now the soldiers themselves are all photographers -- recording their war, their fun, their observations of what they find picturesque, their atrocities -- and swapping images among themselves and e-mailing them around the globe.”