quarta-feira, março 09, 2005
Media Skills and Competence Conference
26-27 May, 2005, in Tampere, Finland
Call for papers
Media Skills and Competence -conference
http://www.uta.fi/conference/mediaskills/ will be in Tampere, Finland 26-27
May, 2005. The conference is organized by Hypermedia Laboratory of
University of Tampere in cooperation with The European Centre for Media
Literacy -project http://ecml.pc.unicatt.it/. The other partners in the
project are Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy and Centre for
Social Innovation in Austria, and Microsoft (EdSG).
The second conference day, May 27th, will concentrate on the research of
the media literacy, media competence and themes related to them. There will
be a full day track for researchers, academics, scientists and other
interested. For this scientific track we are asking for abstracts. Maximum
of ten papers will be accepted. Each paper will have 10-20 minutes for
presentation. More detailed information will be given together with the
announcement of acceptance. One writer per an accepted paper will be
granted a free conference participation.
The themes of the papers may include
o European Cultural Diversity
o Multicultural challenges
o Values and identities
o Writing and speaking in the audiovisual age
o Image creation and visual literacy
o Digital divide: dimensions and threats
o Social and political meanings of media messages
o Intellectual dimension of vocational skills
o Media competence
o Digital Competence
o History of modern literacies
o Gender issues in literacy
o Education and new literacies
o Who needs what literacies?
o Meaning of traditional literacy
o Literacies and human senses
o Should we read animal languages?
o Information overflow
o Disinformation and information war
o Silence and privacy in the age of media
o How to introduce media literacy to schools
o Working life and media literacies
o Relationship between media literacy and e-learning
Please, return the maximum of two pages abstract with your contact
information by 18th March 2005 to: hyperactive@uta.fi. The information
about acceptance will be given 11th April.
The writer(s) of the papers will have time after the acceptance to modify
and specify the paper. The abstracts of the accepted papers will be given
to the conference delegates during the conference and published in the
conference website after the conference. For this more detailed information
is given later.
Important dates
18.3. deadline for abstracts
11.4. acceptance of the abstracts
26.-27.5. conference in Tampere
Further information
For any further information and information about the registration, please,
see the website of the conference
http://www.uta.fi/conference/mediaskills/, or contact:
Tiina Järvinen, coordinator of the conference
tel. +358 (0)50 329 8543.
Media Skills and Competence Conference
26-27 May, 2005, in Tampere, Finland
Call for papers
Media Skills and Competence -conference
http://www.uta.fi/conference/mediaskills/ will be in Tampere, Finland 26-27
May, 2005. The conference is organized by Hypermedia Laboratory of
University of Tampere in cooperation with The European Centre for Media
Literacy -project http://ecml.pc.unicatt.it/. The other partners in the
project are Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy and Centre for
Social Innovation in Austria, and Microsoft (EdSG).
The second conference day, May 27th, will concentrate on the research of
the media literacy, media competence and themes related to them. There will
be a full day track for researchers, academics, scientists and other
interested. For this scientific track we are asking for abstracts. Maximum
of ten papers will be accepted. Each paper will have 10-20 minutes for
presentation. More detailed information will be given together with the
announcement of acceptance. One writer per an accepted paper will be
granted a free conference participation.
The themes of the papers may include
o European Cultural Diversity
o Multicultural challenges
o Values and identities
o Writing and speaking in the audiovisual age
o Image creation and visual literacy
o Digital divide: dimensions and threats
o Social and political meanings of media messages
o Intellectual dimension of vocational skills
o Media competence
o Digital Competence
o History of modern literacies
o Gender issues in literacy
o Education and new literacies
o Who needs what literacies?
o Meaning of traditional literacy
o Literacies and human senses
o Should we read animal languages?
o Information overflow
o Disinformation and information war
o Silence and privacy in the age of media
o How to introduce media literacy to schools
o Working life and media literacies
o Relationship between media literacy and e-learning
Please, return the maximum of two pages abstract with your contact
information by 18th March 2005 to: hyperactive@uta.fi. The information
about acceptance will be given 11th April.
The writer(s) of the papers will have time after the acceptance to modify
and specify the paper. The abstracts of the accepted papers will be given
to the conference delegates during the conference and published in the
conference website after the conference. For this more detailed information
is given later.
Important dates
18.3. deadline for abstracts
11.4. acceptance of the abstracts
26.-27.5. conference in Tampere
Further information
For any further information and information about the registration, please,
see the website of the conference
http://www.uta.fi/conference/mediaskills/, or contact:
Tiina Järvinen, coordinator of the conference
tel. +358 (0)50 329 8543.